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Red Back Spider (Latrodectus Hasselti)

Red Back Spider (Latrodectus Hasselti)

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Introducing the Mesmerizing Red Back Spider of South Australia: Awe-Inspiring Arachnid!


Are you ready to delve into the fascinating world of invertebrates? Look no further than the striking Red Back Spider (Latrodectus hasselti), an iconic resident of South Australia that will captivate your senses and leave you in awe. proudly presents a glimpse into the enigmatic life of this arachnid superstar!


Average Size:

Prepare to be amazed by the Red Back Spider's petite yet powerful presence. Measuring between 0.5 to 1 centimeter in body length, this diminutive marvel packs a venomous punch that belies its size. Don't let its small stature fool youā€”it's a true testament to the old adage that dynamite comes in small packages!


Feeding Frenzy:

Indulging in a carnivorous lifestyle, the Red Back Spider embraces its role as a predator with gusto. Known for its remarkable hunting skills, this arachnid feeds on a varied diet of insects and other unsuspecting invertebrates. Watch in awe as it weaves its intricately crafted web, patiently waiting for its next delicious meal to become ensnared. Witnessing its feeding frenzy is a sight to behold!


Care Tips:

If you're considering inviting a Red Back Spider into your home, exercise caution and ensure proper care. It's crucial to note that handling this venomous species is not recommended for amateur enthusiasts. Instead, create a controlled environment where you can marvel at their beauty from a safe distance. Be sure to provide a spacious terrarium with a suitable substrate, hiding spots, and a water source to mimic their natural habitat. Respect their needs, and they will reward you with their awe-inspiring presence.


Natural Habitat:

In the vast expanse of South Australia, the Red Back Spider claims its throne in a variety of habitats. From urban backyards to sandy deserts, these resilient creatures can adapt and thrive in a range of environments. You may find them nestled within crevices, hiding beneath rocks, or even spinning their masterpieces within your very own garden. Marvel at their resilience and adaptability as they conquer every corner of their domain.


Venomous Warning:

While we appreciate the beauty and allure of the Red Back Spider, it is essential to recognize its potent venom. The female Red Back Spider possesses neurotoxic venom, which it uses to immobilize its prey. Although rare, a bite from this formidable arachnid can cause severe discomfort and potential health risks. Exercise caution when encountering this species, and if bitten, seek immediate medical attention.


Embrace the intrigue of the Red Back Spider, a creature that showcases the diversity and wonder of Australia's invertebrate world. With its striking appearance, captivating feeding habits, and natural adaptability, it is an awe-inspiring creature that commands respect. Welcome this mesmerizing marvel into your knowledge base and prepare to be spellbound by its enchanting presence!


Note: Remember to appreciate the Red Back Spider from a safe distance, as it is important to prioritize your safety and well-being when interacting with venomous creatures.


Note: We source our invertebrates responsibly and ethically, respecting the natural habitats from which they originate.

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Redback spider

Beautiful girl with lovely vivid colours.

Customer Reviews

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Redback spider

Beautiful girl with lovely vivid colours.